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  • Child Family Testimonial

    Child Family Testimonial

    Parent Testimonial, Social Thinking Skills

    "I have to say that the difference that we've seen in Harry, in terms of his ability to recognize and regulate his emotions, has been really wonderful."

    "Her dedication to helping students develop flexible thinking skills not only helps them at school but it also gives them life skills that they can use beyond the classroom."

  • Gonzalez Family Testimonial

    Gonzalez Family Testimonial

    Parent Testimonial, Social Thinking Skills

    "Lauren's impact on Agustin, in just a year of working together, is immeasurable. Her passion for her work is contagious and Agustin eagerly looks forward to their sessions." 

    "I think that her success is that no one feels judged around her; she understands how the kid is feeling, how the parents are feeling."