I wanted to make my resume more than just where I have worked, or what roles I have had. I think a person’s ability and worth are much more than just how they have made a living. My resume includes some of my passions and larger life events I am proud of.


Colegio Nueva Granada, Bogotá, Colombia.

  • Led students and teachers on week long educational outdoor experiences to the Amazon Jungle, tropical islands on the coast of Colombia, and to the deserts of the Guajira.

  • Part of leadership team tasked with development of interdisciplinary projects that were implemented and measured at the school wide level.

  • Taught both micro and macro economics as well as a non AP economics class that focused on experiential learning and everyday economics.

  • Taught multiple levels and subjects of modern history including World History, European History, and American History; and, focused on skills such as reading and writing competencies.

  • Our son Finnegan was born three months before the pandemic. We moved out of the city and into the Colombian countryside alongside dairy and strawberry farmers. Because we took the unconventional path as expats we gained local friends and had experiences that will forever be fond memories.


Brent School, Manila, Philippines.

  • Managed all interdisciplinary work including outdoor adventures, as well as STEM and Humanities projects.

  • For four years I developed a project based learning curriculum to cover ancient Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley.

  • For four years I developed a 7th grade project based learning, thematic geography class based on African History, and pre-Columbian American history.

  • For all four years in the Philippines I was a baseball, basketball, and softball coach. So much fun!

  • They say having a child is transformative. They are right! Wiley was born on June 20th 2016 and the love you never new existed was born.

  • At JPA I taught 6-11th grade history. It was a heavy load but the students were wonderful.

  • At JPA we stood up for Cambodian workers at our school. Because of this we did not stay long at JPA. Lauren and I have never regretted doing what was right.

  • We spent approximately one month hiking, biking, surfing, and climbing in Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, and the Philippines. It opened my eyes to a different world. We live in a beautiful world!


Jay Pritzker Academy, Siem Reap, Cambodia


Kapaa Middle School, Kapaa, Hawaii, USA

  • When I interviewed for my first teaching job, the principal at KMS asked me, “how do you feel about teaching mathematics?” I said, "If it means I have a job, it sounds great!" I taught 7th and 8th grade mathematics every year at KMS and was very successful on state testing.

  • Th KMS yearbook was a year long class project that involved a ton of work. Each page of the nearly 70 page book was written by my students. We edited all pages in Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator, and took all photos for the yearbook.

  • On June 25th, 2011 Lauren Wilson became my wife. We had our wedding in North Carolina, close to both of our families.

  • Every year we were in Hawaii I surfed at least 300 days. For me it is a deep passion that I miss tremendously. For me the ocean is home.


Gained Masters Degree in Secondary Education

University of Nevada, Reno

  • After the 2008 financial crisis I was out of a job. I went to Hawaii to work on a farm and decide what to do with my life. To the surprise of just about everyone, I decided I wanted to become a teacher. I enrolled at the University of Nevada, Reno and one and a half years later had my masters.

  • I was given the option to write a thesis or take classes. I wanted to go to Hawaii to chase a girl who is now my wife, so I chose thesis. My thesis took five months to write. The topic of my thesis was about the extent to which personal financial literacy is taught in the US school system. I found that to a very large degree it is not taught. I am a firm believer that every student should receive a class on personal financial literacy in high school.

  • You never know when life is going to up and change. Lauren and I now have two wonderful kids. I’m a lucky man.


Kahl Commercial Interiors, Reno Nevada, USA

  • I met Dan Kahl, the owner of Kahl Commercial Interiors at a dentist office where I was redoing drywall for side money. He said I should work for him. I was the secretary at Kahl Commercial for four months. While secretary, I taught myself the company's system for creating and checking purchase orders against Autocad files.

  • As a full project manager I was responsible for the design, ordering, and installation management of all sales. In 2007 I had more than 1.1 million dollars in sales revenue and had learned to use basic Autocad features. In 2008 the company had to let me go because of worldwide financial crisis.

  • There is something addictive about fear and a little bit of pain. I climbed big walls in Yosemite and every crag I could find up and down the west coast. I still love to climb though, but on a whole lower level than I used to.

  • Besides rock climbing I spent my free time getting lost in the mountains of the west coast. I think I spent more time in a tent than in my bed. I still want to complete the PCT.


Gained Bachelor’s Degree In Sociology with a minor in International Affairs as Florida State University

  • I became fascinated in human behavior and what motivated groups of people to make certain decisions. Today I am still fascinated by this which may be the reason I decided to become a teacher. I have also spent countless hours learning about other people's cultures in remote places like Mustang Nepal, Puerto Narino Colombia (Amazon Jungle), North Eastern Myanmar, and in Central Guatemala. I love cultural and environmental anthropology.

  • As the editor, for two years, of the bi-weekly TCC Eagle, I am proud to say we did amazing work. I won a Student Press Freedom award in 2004 for work related to irregularities in Police Department spending. The story, which spanned a full year, resulted in the eventual removal of approximately $450,000.00 from the police annual budget. I am particularly proud that that money was re-allocated to build and fund a child daycare for single mothers wanting to attend college.

  • In the summer I would work at Jim Abernethy's Scuba adventure. In Tallahassee I started a lawn mowing business with my friend, Richard Dibble. In the evenings I worked at the Sweet Shop, a campus restaurant.

  • The Sheerwater is a 70 foot yacht that holds twelve passengers and four crew. It can stay out to sea for weeks, or as long as the food lasts. My main job was the chef. I cooked all three meals a day and all snacks as well as cleaned all dishes. I was also required to do take our guests on three dives a day.

  • I am a Master diver, Nitrox and trimix certified, rescue certified, and survey certified. I have dove a LOT.

  • The purpose of these trips was to dive with big animals. I have been up close with just about every shark. Spending all this time in the water gave me a healthy fear of what is truly dangerous, and it's not the sharks. Taking people into the water requires safety measures. Water, currents, and objects in the water can be very dangerous.


Jim Abernethy’s Scuba Adventure

Florida and the Bahamas


  • I had worked at the Country Club of Asheville since 9th grade and thought cooking was awesome. I left home the day after I graduated high school. I wanted two things: To be the best chef in the world and to get lost in the Caribbean. I graduated from the Florida Culinary institute with my culinary degree in 18 months.

  • While I was at culinary school, I worked full time at the famous 5 star Breakers restaurant in Palm Beach as an intern. It was hard work but I learned so much. I worked for nine months at the Breakers five star steakhouse, the Flagler Steakhouse.

  • I got a job with North Caribbean Research as a cook and diver after culinary school. We were looking for a French ship called the Lafayette that sank off the DR during the Haitian Revolution. It was filled with French gold to pay troops. We never found the ship but we did find multiple other ships, doubloons, and plenty of artifacts. It was truly an adventure!