How I Can Help…

  • Social Communication & Social Emotional Regulation

    Difficulty with verbal & nonverbal communication in social settings. Difficulty with self-regulating emotions and understanding peer and adult interactions in social settings and responding appropriately.

  • Language Delays & Language Disorders

    Trouble expressing self, following directions, or understanding others

  • Articulation Therapy & Phonological Disorders

    Struggling with articulating certain sounds or showing a pattern of speech errors

  • Stuttering

    Struggling to produce fluent speech, which can lead to avoidance behaviors and changes in a child’s social interactions and social confidence

  • Auditory Processing Disorders

    Struggling to recognize and interpret sounds, especially speech sounds. I can help to support individuals with processing problems by providing strategies and techniques, which will help them to cope and manage their difficulties in everyday life, such as following directions, discriminating between speech sounds to help with spelling and reading, increasing attention to a task.

  • AAC device support

    Supporting nonverbal children and their families in learning how to use an AAC device to communicate.