About Us

As adventurers and educators, we have traversed this magnificent world in search of opportunities to serve, grow, and learn. Our journey began in 2006 at a Kayaking festival in Reno, Nevada where Lauren and I first met. We were passionate about the outdoors, climbing, and were both getting our Masters degrees at the University of Nevada Reno. In 2009 we relocated to Kauai, Hawaii to pursue our passion for education and discovered a profound connection with the water. Despite facing opposition from almost everyone, we then ventured forth to Siem Reap, Cambodia, then to Binan, Philippines, and ultimately to Bogota, Colombia. It was in Manila, Philippines where our daughter Wiley came into this world, followed by the arrival of our son Finnegan in Bogota, Colombia. Each step of our travels allowed us to immerse ourselves in diverse cultures, gaining invaluable insights into how different communities approach education, family dynamics, the responsibilities of parenthood and outdoor adventure. While our odyssey presented us with numerous unforgettable moments, it also brought it’s fair share of challenges and exasperations. The decision to return to Utah was driven by our longing for familial ties, recognizing that our children deserved the presence of their grandparents. It is with a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to our community that we established this business, firmly believing that we possess valuable contributions to enrich the lives of those in Utah. We hope that we can become active contributors to our Utah community through service, providing education services and being good neighbors. Currently we are working on buying our own home here in Utah, and growing our business.

Our house in El Hato Colombia. At 10,000 feet we learned to live at higher altitude in the tropics. Picture taken in 2021.